Certified Integrative Health Practitioner



My mission is to help people with their overall health. Through nutritional and lifestyle guidance, I truly believe you can live your best life.


I am able to recommend and interpret at-home lab tests to see whats going on inside. From hormonal imbalances to heavy metal toxicities, these can all lead to gut imbalances and in turn, make you feel a bit off. My goal is to help you feel better from here on out. When you see your own numbers from the lab testing, it really puts things into perspective and helps shed some light on where to go from there.


A little bit about me

I have been a hairstylist for nearly 20 years. I absolutely love working one on one with people, helping them feel great about their outside appearance. For the last 15 or so years, I have been on my own health journey, having lost about 40 pounds and vowing to never put it back on again. I have played around with various “diets” over those years, and have, in the last 3 or so years, realized that I was making it far more difficult than it needed to be, and possibly negatively affecting my health in the process, since “diets” are not “one size fits all”. My sister has battled various (pretty extreme) health symptoms over this time, and it was her turning to a Functional Medicine doctor that opened my eyes to the world of looking at the body as a WHOLE functioning system. My sister has managed to overcome a lot of those symptoms by getting to the root cause, and now I have vowed to live my life through Functional Wellness too. I want to spread this eye opening experience, and help others feel their absolute best from the inside out.




Depending on your specific goals, I will create personalized meal & supplement plans to help you reach those goals..


Lab Testing

Convenient at-home lab testing to help determine the root cause. These will be hair, blood, urine, saliva, or stool samples collected by you, at home, and mailed into the lab. When your results come in, after about 3-4 weeks, we will go over and interpret the results over a scheduled virtual call.


Lifestyle Guidance

Trust me, I get it. There are certain things we do out of comfort, and routine, but just because we’ve always done them doesn’t mean they’re good for us. I will help introduce a few things that can just help lead to your overall well-being.


Customized Plans

Sometimes all you need is the instruction manual. Let me design a total wellness plan that will help you reach your goals.


“You can’t heal what you don’t admit is there. Self awareness, openness, acceptance are the answers as to how you can change your life”

— Dr. Stephen Cabral.

How it works:

we will do a quick complementary consultation, just to make sure we are a good fit and it’s something you are even interested in, and ready to commit to. After that, I will forward forms to be completed through Healthie and we will begin our journey together. After your thorough intake questionnaire is completed, we will have our 60 minute initial intake session where I will give you your first recommendations on any protocols, as well as some possible lab tests, and/or supplements. After that, a lot of it depends on you!


Make the time for yourself now.
Approach this next step with an open mind.


A Constant Source of Motivation

Think of me as your personal cheering section, helping you find the strength you didn’t know you had. I’m all about positive reinforcement. We all have missed steps along the way, I’m just an email away from guiding you to just keep on moving forward.


Get in touch.

I look forward to working with you .